A Fond Farewell

Howard Sublett and Melissa Boggs pictured together, smiling.

11 January 2021

Two years ago, Melissa and I set out on a journey to co-lead Scrum Alliance together, as Chief ScrumMaster and Chief Product Owner. During that time, we learned how to share a stage together, how to serve our staff, community, and Board together, how to navigate a crisis together, and how to execute a bold vision together.

Last week, Melissa let us know that it’s time for her to head off in a different direction—time to pursue new dreams and create new stories. Though she is leaving her position as Chief ScrumMaster, she will always be connected to us, both through the community and through the indelible mark she has left on our organization.

I am so proud of the work we did together, of Melissa’s relentless passion to champion our team, and of our shared conviction that growing more agile must be a larger part of the Scrum Alliance story.

That story lives on in our mission and in our culture. Melissa’s fingerprints will be seen for decades to come.

As Melissa put it herself when saying goodbye to the staff, “Culture is built story by story, tradition by tradition. What we have built here is extraordinary. I encourage you to continue building, to nurture it, care for it, and protect it. It took time and effort to get here, and it will take time and effort to maintain. You have everything you need to continue to make a difference in the world of work. I know that is exactly what you will do, and do well. I believe in you.”

It was an honor to serve with Melissa.  We look forward to serving her now as a valued member of our community.

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