"Don't underestimate the power of your vision to change the world. Whether that world is your office, your community, an industry or a global movement, you need to have a core belief that what you contribute can fundamentally change the paradigm or way of thinking about problems." -- Leroy Hood You can’t attend an agile conference these days without hearing about organizational culture. Cultural change is not optional for most organizations that want to become more agile. Agility requires a mindset that means many will have to change their traditions, habits, and behaviors. But culture is difficult to work with. It’s intimidating; We begin to panic, asking ourselves: “Why do I feel powerless to affect change in my organization? What does it say about me or my org? What does it say about the likelihood of me being able to make these positive shifts outside my team?” and ultimately we may talk ourselves out of any change at all. However, we can inspire others to see the value in the change. Creating sustainable cultural change means creating a movement within your organization, and this is done one story, one experience at a time. Learn how to recognize your existing culture, identify the areas that require evolution, and create a movement that inspires change.
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