The effectiveness of agile approaches are built on influence rather than authority. Practices like co-location and stand-ups actually amplify influence, leveraging behavior patterns built in to humans through biology and social conditions. Participants in this webinar will unpack some fundamental influence patterns and turn them into conscious tools for leadership. Through interactive and engaging exercises, you’ll amplify and practice your ability to influence by quickly establishing and building rapport via voice and physiology. You’ll even recognize how to break rapport (helpful when pulling discussions out of ratholes) as well as how to use these tools to lead teams and individuals. All while having fun.
Come learn some simple, yet subtle techniques to shift communication effectiveness by a factor of 5 or more. And while participants are advised away from initial use with stormtroopers, any VCs, executives or clients *are* fair game.
Key Takeaways:
Amplify their ability to influence by quickly establishing Rapport
Understand How to build Rapport with both Voice and Physiology
Understand How to use Rapport to Pace and Lead Teams and Individuals
Practice building Rapport, as well as breaking it (helpful when pulling discussions out of ratholes)
Grasp the full power of Agile practices like standups, co-location and task boards, and how each leverages communication programming built-in to human beings
Be able to immediately apply these techniques, even when constrained to no more than a telephone call
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