Agile in the Classroom: How Agile Can Better Prepare Students for the Demands of the 21st Century Workplace

Agile practices can transform traditional classrooms. Bret Thayer has seen it for himself and is spreading the word. Get educated about how our community can support the important use of Agile in schools. Learn about: The millennial question Job skills employers want Jobs skills the education community wants for students The use of technology in classrooms

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Bret Thayer has been a classroom teacher for the Colorado Public School system since 1995, and a CSM since 2015. He is excited to get the word out about how the Agile framework can enhance learning (and teaching) practices. He has presented Agile in the classroom to students and teachers in Jefferson County Public Schools, to Agile Denver Meetup (2017), and Innovation Education Colorado Technology Conference (2017). In addition, he will present to ISTE in Chicago (2018), and to the ACT Colorado College and Career Conference in Denver (2018).

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