The 2020 Scrum Guide and Related Content

The 2020 Scrum Guide - Man practicing Scrum

The Scrum GuideTM is one of several resources we use to create the learning objectives for our Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM) and Certified Scrum Product Owner ®. A new version of the Scrum Guide was released 18 November 2020. It has been only been revised a handful of times since its publication in 2010.

We’re working with our community to determine how the new Scrum Guide might affect our course offerings. In the meantime, some of our Certified Scrum Trainers have created free content that will make the new Scrum Guide more accessible for you. First is a studio-quality audio version from Stu Mitchell and Sam Bowtell. Next is content from Mike Vizdos: a YouTube playlist, and an audio recording and interactive version of the Scrum Guide. 

Audio Version: Scrum Guide 2020

Stu is the perfect person to record an audio Scrum Guide. In Stu’s previous life, he hosted TalkShow Radio and conducted voice overs. He has a Baritone tone, with just a hint of Scottish. Stu collaborated with fellow CST Sam Bowtell on the recording. The recording and editing / word checking was conducted by Pauline McCole (former BBC News presenter and correspondent) and Pete Atkins from the Soul Shack Studios, in Sydney Australia.

Download the Audio Scrum Guide

Interactive Version: Scrum Guide 2020

Mike has created an interactive version of the Scrum Guide, complete with audio clips in each section as well as an audio version of the entire Scrum Guide. At the link below, you’ll find options to hear the audio book or view the interactive guide.

View the Interactive Scrum Guide

Watch the 2020 Scrum Guide Playlist

Mike has created a YouTube playlist of the Scrum Guide, complete with short videos for each section of the entire Scrum Guide.  At the link below, you’ll find options to watch all the videos in this free playlist.

Watch the YouTube Scrum Guide Playlist 

CSM Learning Objectives

As a reminder, our current CSM and CSPO learning objectives are based on the 2017 Scrum Guide and other resources from our community. Over the next several months, we are working with our community members to update our own CSM learning objectives and CSPO learning objectives with any relevant changes from the 2020 Scrum Guide 

View the 2020 Scrum Guide

More Resources for Scrum Masters

Many new and aspiring Certified ScrumMasters need help beyond the classroom. Our building blocks collection will help you apply what you’ve learned in class or online to your day-to-day work. We encourage you to view and enjoy the articles and videos we have collected for you.


View Scrum Master Collection


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